3-Letter Words Ending in E for Kids - List of Essential Vocabulary Words

Complete Compilation of "E"-Ending 3-Letter Words to Boost Kids' Reading & Pronunciation Skills
Our age-specific word lists are derived from a study on the learning age of over 30,000 English words, ensuring educational relevance. We vet words for kid-friendliness using advanced tools and prioritize vocabulary based on usage frequency, informed by extensive research, to benefit children's learning.
Improve your child's word knowledge with LUCA's list of 3-letter words ending in "E". This thorough resource is designed to assist parents and teachers in offering young learners plenty of extra language practice. This list is perfect for different age groups, from prekindergarteners to students right up to grade 9. Explore simple yet impactful words such as "age", "bee", and "cue" that are perfect for kids. The goal of this list is to provide engaging vocabulary-building practice that improves both reading comprehension and spelling abilities. Begin enhancing your child's language with these 3-letter words ending in "E" today, and watch their vocabulary start to grow!
3-Letter Words that End in Letter

3-Letter Words that End in E for Pre-K 3 (3-Year-Olds)
Sentences with 3-Letter Words that End in E for Pre-K 3 (3-Year-Olds)
Let's make learning fun for your 3-year-old! We've created simple sentences featuring 3-letter words that end in "E". This playful introduction to reading is just right for little learners. Enjoy discovering together!
When you close your eye, you can't see anything.
Do you see the ice in your drink? It's very cold.
When you pretend to be a lion, it's just make-believe, not a lie.
You have one crayon to color the picture.
Let's pretend to make a pretend pie with playdough.
I can see a pretty butterfly flying in the garden.
She is wearing a pink dress and playing with her toy.
Let's read the story together.
Let's count your toes! You have 10 toes, just like me!
3-Letter Words that End in E for Pre-K 4 (4-Year-Olds)
Sentences with 3-Letter Words that End in E for Pre-K 4 (4-Year-Olds)
Let's make learning fun for your 4-year-old! We're playing with sentences that use 3-letter words ending in "E". These examples are perfect for little learners, making it a joyful adventure into reading and recognizing words. Join the fun below!
The Stone Age was a time when people made tools from stones.
John is the same age as you, he's also four years old.
In the age of dinosaurs, huge creatures walked the Earth long before people did.
Today, we live in an age where we can learn about the whole world from tiny screens.
I am five years of age, that means I am five years old.
Your age is how many birthdays you've had.
When leaves fall off the trees in autumn, we say they die because they turn brown and don't go back to the tree.
When the batteries in our toys run out of power, we say they die, and we have to recharge or replace them.
When a light bulb flickers and goes out, we say it has died, and we need a new one.
The cat likes to play with a string that looks like a tie.
Mommy helped me tie my shoes this morning.
Daddy wore a blue tie to work today.
We use crayons to color and make beautiful pictures.
Bobby can use his words to tell his friends how he feels.
You can use a spoon to eat your soup.
3-Letter Words that End in E for Pre-K (5-Year-Olds)
Sentences with 3-Letter Words that End in E for Pre-K (5-Year-Olds)
Let's make learning fun for your 5-year-old! We have sentences featuring 3-letter words that end in "E". These examples are perfect for Pre-K kids to understand and enjoy. Start exploring now!
Monkeys and apes are different; an ape doesn't have a tail.
When you visit the zoo, you might see an ape making funny faces at you.
Apes are like us because they can use tools and solve puzzles.
The big ape swung from tree to tree in the jungle, looking for bananas.
An ape, like a chimpanzee, is very intelligent and can use tools.
Gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans are all types of apes.
In the news, people are talking about how important bees are for keeping gardens and farms healthy.
In the news, scientists are studying bees to understand their important role in pollination.
Bees are small insects that are known for their buzzing sound and ability to make honey.
Bees buzz around flowers to collect nectar, which they turn into honey.
Bees live in hives and work together to collect nectar and pollen for their colony.
A bee has stripes and can fly from plant to plant helping flowers grow by spreading pollen.
Our family eats a special dinner on New Year's Eve.
Eve is the time just before an event or occasion, like the eve of your birthday.
On Christmas Eve, we hang our stockings and leave cookies for Santa.
3-Letter Words that End in E for Kindergarten (6-Year-Olds)
Sentences with 3-Letter Words that End in E for Kindergarten (6-Year-Olds)
Get your 6-year-old excited about reading with short, fun sentences featuring 3-letter words that end in "E". It's a playful way to introduce new words and enjoy reading together. Check out our examples below!
The lumberjack used a sharp axe to chop wood for the winter.
The firefighter quickly grabbed an axe to break down the door and rescue the kitten.
In the news, the mayor announced a plan to cut down trees using an axe to clear a path.
The wee kitten played happily in the garden with a ball of yarn.
The wee bird chirped a sweet melody as it perched on the branch.
The wee puppy wagged its tail excitedly when its owner returned home.
3-Letter Words that End in E for 1st Grade (7-Year-Olds)
Sentences with 3-Letter Words that End in E for 1st Grade (7-Year-Olds)
Let your 7-year-old discover the fun in reading with sentences filled with 3-letter words that end in "E". These examples are perfect for first graders, making learning new words exciting and easy. Jump into the joy of words with us!
A doe is a female deer, while a male deer is called a buck.
The doe and her fawn grazed peacefully in the meadow.
The doe carefully watched over her young fawn as they explored the forest together.
Because I cleaned my room like I was supposed to, my allowance is due today.
The project is due on Friday, so we need to finish it before then.
Our library books are due back next week.
In the news, they talked about a special dye that changes color in different temperatures.
The artist used blue dye to color the fabric for her new painting.
I want to dye my t-shirt pink for the school spirit day!
3-Letter Words that End in E for 2nd Grade (8-Year-Olds)
Sentences with 3-Letter Words that End in E for 2nd Grade (8-Year-Olds)
Help your 8-year-old master short words with this learning activity! We're focusing on 3-letter words that end in "E". These example sentences are simple and perfect for second graders to understand and remember. Start learning these fun words today!
Some museums have an entrance fee, which helps maintain the exhibits and facilities.
The library may charge a late fee if you return a book after the due date.
Paying a fee is like giving a small amount of money for a service or a product.
A hoe is a gardening tool with a long handle and a flat blade used for cultivating soil.
My grandpa showed me how to use a hoe to loosen the soil for planting seeds.
The gardener used a hoe to dig up weeds from the flower bed.
I didn't have enough money for the toy, so I owe my friend $5.
At the end of the game, the losing team owes the winning team a rematch.
If you borrow my pencil, you owe me a favor in return.
3-Letter Words that End in E for 3rd Grade (9-Year-Olds)
Sentences with 3-Letter Words that End in E for 3rd Grade (9-Year-Olds)
Help your 9-year-old master reading with this fun session on 3-letter words that end in "E". These carefully chosen sentences are perfect for third graders, making learning enjoyable and effective. Let's get started on this reading adventure!
The magician's tricks filled the audience with awe and wonder, making them gasp in amazement.
The little girl stared at the night sky in awe, marveling at the twinkling stars above.
The majestic waterfall left the hikers in awe as they stood in front of its powerful cascade.
"Aye" is a Scottish term meaning "yes" or expressing agreement.
In pirate stories, you might hear sailors saying "aye aye, captain" to show they understand and will obey.
When asked if they wanted to go on a treasure hunt, the children shouted "aye" enthusiastically.
In the superhero story, the villain was the hero's greatest foe.
When two armies compete in a war, each one sees the other as a foe.
During the chess match, my opponent was my foe.
Farmers grow rye in fields and use it to feed animals.
My mom made a delicious sandwich with rye bread.
Rye is a type of grain used to make bread.
3-Letter Words that End in E for 4th Grade (10-Year-Olds)
Sentences with 3-Letter Words that End in E for 4th Grade (10-Year-Olds)
Engage your 10-year-old with the fun and challenge of 3-letter words that end in "E"! We've crafted sentences perfect for fourth graders, helping them expand their vocabulary in an exciting way. Read on to discover how these simple words can be used in everyday contexts.
In the Harry Potter books, the characters often drink butterbeer, which is like our ale with a sweet flavor.
I learned in social studies that ale was a common drink in medieval times.
Back in colonial days, children sometimes drank a weak ale instead of water.
The local news reported a traffic accident on Oak Ave, causing delays during rush hour.
The mayor announced plans to renovate Main Ave to make it more pedestrian-friendly.
The new store on Elm Ave is having a grand opening sale this weekend.
When the bell rings, it's a cue for the students to line up for recess.
In a play, actors use cues like specific lines or gestures to know when to enter the stage.
The flashing lights at the railroad crossing serve as a cue for drivers to stop.
The hue of the leaves changes in the fall, turning from green to red, orange, and yellow.
The sunset had a beautiful hue of pink and purple.
When painting, you can mix colors to create a new hue.
We learned about odes in English class and wrote our own to celebrate our favorite books.
I opened my poetry book and started writing an ode to nature.
In Ancient Greece, poets often wrote odes to honor gods, heroes, or important events.
Sarah's pet hamster passed away, causing her great woe.
Despite their troubles and woes, the community came together to support each other.
The protagonist faced numerous woes in the challenging adventure.
3-Letter Words that End in E for 5th Grade (11-Year-Olds)
Sentences with 3-Letter Words that End in E for 5th Grade (11-Year-Olds)
Discover the joy of reading and learning with our collection designed for 11-year-olds! We're focusing on sentences that incorporate 3-letter words ending in "E". These examples are tailored to enhance the vocabulary of fifth graders in a fun and engaging way. Let's get started on this exciting journey together!
Smelting is the process of extracting metal from ore by heat.
Miners extract valuable metals like gold and silver from ore.
Iron ore is used in the production of steel.
As the sun set, the lonely wolf's howl echoed through the forest with a sense of rue.
The character in the story felt a deep rue for not listening to the wise advice given to him.
The old house on the corner of Maple Street had a mysterious air of rue about it.
The celebrity threatened to sue the tabloid for spreading false rumors about them.
The company decided to sue the competitor for copying their product design.
The environmental group plans to sue the government for not enforcing pollution regulations.
3-Letter Words that End in E for 6th Grade (12-Year-Olds)
Sentences with 3-Letter Words that End in E for 6th Grade (12-Year-Olds)
Engage your 12-year-old with the intrigue of language through sentences featuring 3-letter words that end in "E". This collection is crafted to challenge and interest sixth graders, helping them expand their vocabulary in a fun way. Let's get started on this linguistic adventure!
Many students vie for the top spot in the class rankings through hard work and dedication.
The two talented singers will vie for the lead role in the school musical.
The athletes will vie for the gold medal in the upcoming competition.
3-Letter Words that End in E for 7th Grade (13-Year-Olds)
Sentences with 3-Letter Words that End in E for 7th Grade (13-Year-Olds)
Encourage your 13-year-old to master the art of concise language with our collection focused on 3-letter words that end in "E". These example sentences are perfectly suited for seventh graders, challenging them to expand their vocabulary in a fun and engaging way. Let's get started on this linguistic adventure!
We can eke out a victory if we strategically manage our time and resources.
I had to eke out the last of my allowance to buy that new video game.
During the winter, the family had to eke out their food supplies until the spring harvest.
3-Letter Words that End in E for 9th Grade (15-Year-Olds)
Sentences with 3-Letter Words that End in E for 9th Grade (15-Year-Olds)
Elevate your 15-year-old's vocabulary with our selection of sentences featuring 3-letter words that end in "E". These examples are crafted to challenge and engage ninth graders, enriching their understanding of language and its nuances. Discover the beauty of concise words through these thoughtfully composed sentences.
The Supreme Court's decision on Roe v. Wade in 1973 legalized abortion in the United States.
The Roe decision remains a landmark ruling that continues to spark debates on reproductive rights.
Roe, the plaintiff in the case, sought the right to terminate her pregnancy under constitutional protection.
3-Letter Animal Words that End in E
Sentences with Animals that End in "E"
Discover the fascinating world of animals through sentences featuring creatures whose names end in "E"! This collection is crafted to intrigue and inform, making learning about animals an enjoyable experience for everyone. Let's meet these amazing animals together!
An ape, like a chimpanzee, is very intelligent and can use tools.
When we visited the zoo, we saw an ape using sticks to get food, showing how smart they are.
Apes like bananas and other fruits for snacks.
When you visit the zoo, you might see an ape making funny faces at you.
In the jungle, the ape swung from tree to tree, looking for bananas to eat.
An ape is a big animal that looks a bit like a monkey but doesn't have a tail.
Monkeys and apes are different; an ape doesn't have a tail.
Apes are like us because they can use tools and solve puzzles.
The big ape swung from tree to tree in the jungle, looking for bananas.
An ape has long arms and no tail, and it can make funny faces.
The ape swung from branch to branch in the big, green jungle.
Gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans are all types of apes.
Bees live in hives and work together to collect nectar and pollen for their colony.
In the news, scientists are studying bees to understand their important role in pollination.
A bee uses its wings to fly from flower to flower, collecting pollen.
A bee has stripes and can fly from plant to plant helping flowers grow by spreading pollen.
Bees are busy insects that make honey from the nectar of flowers.
When we see a bee, it's important to stay calm and not disturb it.
In the news, people are talking about how important bees are for keeping gardens and farms healthy.
Bees buzz around flowers to collect nectar, which they turn into honey.
A bee can fly from flower to flower, collecting pollen on its legs.
When you see a bee, it's important to stay calm and not swat at it.
Bees are busy insects that make honey from flower nectar.
Bees are small insects that are known for their buzzing sound and ability to make honey.
3-Letter History Words that End in E
Sentences with History Words that End in "E"
Step into the past with our selection of sentences featuring history words that end in "E". These examples are crafted to bring historical concepts to life, making them ideal for anyone keen on exploring the narrative of human civilization. Join us in uncovering these timeless terms!
In the age of dinosaurs, huge creatures roamed the earth long before people did.
The Stone Age was a time when people made tools from stones.
Today, we live in an age where we can learn about the whole world from tiny screens.
Your age is how many birthdays you've had.
In the age of dinosaurs, huge creatures walked the Earth long before people did.
News stories can tell us about important events happening in our age.
I am five years of age, that means I am five years old.
The Iron Age was a time when people learned to make tools and weapons out of iron.
John is the same age as you, he's also four years old.
Exploring 3-Letter Words Ending in E for Kids
Rhyming Words
Engage children in a fun rhyming activity with words like "bee", "see", and "tree". Encourage them to find words that rhyme with these 3-letter words ending in "E". This activity enhances phonemic awareness and creativity in language play.
Word Creation Challenge
Challenge kids to create new words by adding a letter before the final "E" in words like "ave", "die", and "sue". This activity boosts vocabulary expansion and critical thinking skills. Encourage them to explain the meanings of their invented words for added learning.
Spelling Practice
Practice spelling 3-letter words ending in "E" such as "ape", "ice", and "pie". Make it interactive by using letter tiles or writing the words in fun colors. This activity helps improve spelling accuracy and reinforces word recognition.
Action Verbs Adventure
Explore action verbs ending in "E" like "see", "sue", and "flee". Encourage kids to act out these verbs to understand their meanings better. This interactive session promotes physical movement and verb comprehension.
Adjective Hunt
Embark on an adjective hunt with words like "awe", "fine", and "true". Encourage kids to find adjectives that describe objects or feelings. This activity enhances vocabulary skills and encourages descriptive language use.

Scott Sosso is a serial entrepreneur recognized as one of the top in his industry from a young age. Before the age of 30, he used his entrepreneurial skills to grow a real estate startup to a billion in sales in just three years. Later, he took that entrepreneurial spirit to the healthcare industry, and through various senior leadership roles, he was a key team member who led a healthcare company to 6X gross revenues. While none of these journeys were easy, the process of scaling businesses and navigating complex market dynamics has been a testament to Scott's resilience and business acumen.
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