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Supported by educational research

in business, computer science, and education to develop a modern reading platform to tackle challenges worldwide.

Our team of experienced researchers has collaborated with renowned academics to create an immersive reading platform for students.

This dynamic learning experience is composed of tailored components from multiple research-based programs and will help users develop the skills needed to gain proficiency in reading. Through our powerful LUCA Learning Platform, we are excited to offer this innovative solution!

Our research

Yale center for dyslexia and creativity

The Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity (YCDC) aims to create a better world for individuals with dyslexia by advancing research and understanding. They conduct research on identifying, understanding, and instructing people with dyslexia in various areas such as reading, mathematics, science, writing, and other subjects.

YCDC also works on developing interventions that can help individuals with dyslexia build their capacity to succeed in life. Additionally, they provide resources, including articles, fact sheets, and support groups for those who are dealing with learning disabilities. Ultimately, YCDC strives to create an inclusive environment where everyone is empowered to achieve their full potential.

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International dyslexia association – Dyslexia library

The Dyslexia Library is a resource center providing information on dyslexia and other related learning disabilities. The library offers an online database of articles, books, videos, and research materials related to dyslexia. It provides resources for parents, teachers, and individuals with dyslexia. Additionally, the Dyslexia Library provides a variety of tools and strategies to help individuals improve their reading, writing, spelling and math skills.

The library also provides support services such as group coaching sessions for adults with dyslexia. Through its various resources and services, the Dyslexia Library aims to give individuals with dyslexia the necessary tools to succeed in life.

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Overcoming Dyslexia

Physician-Scientist, Sally Shaywitz, Physician-Scientist and co-founder and co-director of Yale University’s Center for Dyslexia and Creativity. Her work and writings illustrated through books such as “Overcoming Dyslexia” has laid the framework for a simplistic understanding of the connection of phonological processing to reading fluency and how varying processing challenges create nuances in evaluation that most assessments do not currently capture.

Persistence of Dyslexia: the Connecticut longitudinal study at adolescence

The Connecticut Longitudinal Study of 1999 investigated the persistence of dyslexia in adolescence, using a sample of 718 school children. The study assessed reading and IQ scores at ages 8, 10, 12, and 14, to assist in determining the long-term effects of dyslexia. Results showed that while some students had improved significantly during that time period, nearly 40% still exhibited severe reading deficits.

Additionally, students with dyslexia were found to have substantially lower IQ test scores than counterparts without dyslexia. The findings suggest that there is a need for early diagnosis and intervention to reduce the severity of these reading deficits as they age.

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The prevalence of reading fluency and vocabulary difficulties among adolescents struggling with reading comprehension

This study examines the impact of morphological awareness on the reading ability of individuals with dyslexia. It is based on a sample of 76 eighth-graders who were assessed for their morphological awareness and their reading proficiency. The results indicated that students with higher morphological awareness had better reading skills than those with lower scores, indicating a positive correlation between the two.

The researchers concluded that morphological awareness plays an important role in helping individuals with dyslexia improve their reading ability, and should be taken into consideration when designing interventions for this population.

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Foundational skills to reading for understanding in kindergarten through 3rd grad

Foundational skills are the building blocks of reading, and they are essential for students to understand texts. This guide helps educators understand how foundational skills interact with each other and can become integrated into instruction. It also provides strategies for teaching and assessing reading foundational skills, as well as examples of practices that use these strategies in real-world contexts.

With this information, teachers can better equip students to decode words accurately, comprehend what they read, and identify the relationships between ideas in the text. The guide also includes tips on how to support struggling readers who may not have developed strong foundational skills yet.

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Morphological awareness: one piece of the literacy pie

Morphological awareness is an essential part of literacy development and dyslexia intervention. Morphological awareness helps individuals become better readers, writers, and spellers. It involves understanding how words are made up of smaller pieces (such as prefixes, suffixes, and roots). Studies show that morphological awareness can support the development of literacy skills in individuals with dyslexia.

Additionally, morphological awareness can help people understand more complex language structures and increase reading comprehension. With morphological awareness training, many individuals with dyslexia have seen improvements in their reading and spelling abilities.

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