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5-Letter Words Ending in N for Kids - List of Essential Vocabulary Words

Written by
Scott Sosso

A Thorough Collection of 5-Letter Words Ending in "N" to Boost Kids' Spelling & Reading Abilities

Our age-specific word lists are derived from a study on the learning age of over 30,000 English words, ensuring educational relevance. We vet words for kid-friendliness using advanced tools and prioritize vocabulary based on usage frequency, informed by extensive research, to benefit children's learning.

LUCA's list of 5-letter words ending in "N" will aid your child in expanding their vocabulary. This comprehensive resource is designed for parents and teachers who wish to offer kids additional language practice. It features vocabulary suited for an incredibly wide audience, ranging from curious prekindergarteners to focused ninth graders. With kid-friendly words such as "queen" and "ocean" to more thought-provoking terms like "siren" and "woven", this list is a fantastic tool for boosting vocabulary building practice. This resource can be especially useful for enhancing reading comprehension and spelling skills. Start enhancing your child's language abilities with 5-letter words ending in "N" today, and watch their communication talents soar!

5-Letter Words that End in Letter


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5-Letter Words that End in N for Pre-K 3 (3-Year-Olds)





Sentences with 5-Letter Words that End in N for Pre-K 3 (3-Year-Olds)

Introduce your little one to the joy of words with our fun activity! We're learning about 5-letter words that end in "N". These simple sentences are perfect for 3-year-olds, making learning exciting and easy. Start the adventure below!

We clean up our toys when we're done playing with them.

After having breakfast, we need to clean our teeth.

Let’s clean our hands before we start painting.

We saw a funny clown at the circus, who made us all laugh.

The clown had a big, red nose that honked when he squeezed it.

Mister Clown juggles balls and rides a tiny bicycle in the party.

Look at the green frog hopping in the yard!

The grass on our lawn is a pretty green color.

Can you help me find the green crayon for our picture?

The cat played with a tiny spoon that fell on the floor."

Mommy gave me a shiny spoon to eat my yummy cereal."

Daddy used a big spoon to stir the soup in the pot."

5-Letter Words that End in N for Pre-K 4 (4-Year-Olds)










Sentences with 5-Letter Words that End in N for Pre-K 4 (4-Year-Olds)

Let's make learning fun for your 4-year-old! We're playing with sentences that use 5-letter words ending in "N". These simple examples are perfect for little learners to enjoy and understand. Ready to find out more? Let's start!

When you tie your shoes, you begin with a single knot.

The dog buried his brown bone in the backyard.

The teacher asked why the sad face and the child replied, "I frown because I miss my mom."

There are many humans in our family, like Grandma and Grandpa.

I love going to the library to learn about dinosaurs.

I found pretty seashells by the ocean and collected them in a bucket.

The queen has a shiny crown on her head.

I love watching the colorful train go choo-choo at the zoo!

The woman is wearing a pretty dress and a big hat.

5-Letter Words that End in N for Pre-K (5-Year-Olds)









Sentences with 5-Letter Words that End in N for Pre-K (5-Year-Olds)

Let's make learning fun for your 5-year-old! We're looking at sentences with 5-letter words that end in "N". These simple examples are perfect for little learners in Pre-K. Ready to see the words in action? Let's get started!

If you enjoyed the story, I can read it to you again before bed.

Bacon is a tasty food made from pork that many people enjoy eating for breakfast.

Our brain is what helps us think and learn new things.

Look, I've created a chain with these colorful paper loops.

There are seven days in a week, like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.

Mom used a special spray to remove the stain from my favorite shirt.

The thorn on the stem of the plant can help it defend against hungry insects.

I love playing with my red wagon in the park.

5-Letter Words that End in N for Kindergarten (6-Year-Olds)









Sentences with 5-Letter Words that End in N for Kindergarten (6-Year-Olds)

Let's make learning fun for your 6-year-old! We're focusing on sentences that include 5-letter words ending in "N". These examples are perfect for kindergarteners, making it easy and enjoyable for them to pick up new words. Check them out below!

Mom wears an apron when she cooks in the kitchen.

A cabin is a small house, usually in the countryside.

For my birthday, Grandma bought me a dozen cupcakes.

After a rainy day, the drain helps to carry away excess water from the street.

I often see birds flying in the park.

We can plant onion bulbs in the garden and watch them grow into big vegetables.

Robins have red chests and sing beautiful songs, making them easy to spot and listen to.

Dad used a shovel to help widen the hole in the backyard for planting flowers.

5-Letter Words that End in N for 1st Grade (7-Year-Olds)










Sentences with 5-Letter Words that End in N for 1st Grade (7-Year-Olds)

Get your 7-year-old excited about reading with sentences featuring 5-letter words that end in "N". These simple, fun examples are perfect for first graders, helping them grow their vocabulary in a playful way. Ready to learn and have fun?

In the news, scientists discuss the possibility of finding alien life on other planets.

The king wore a shiny gold crown on his head.

Sometimes, demons in stories can be friendly characters who help the main characters on their adventures.

The lifeguard rescued the struggling swimmer before they could drown in the deep end of the pool.

Rice is a type of grain we eat with dinner.

The bedsheet is made of soft linen fabric.

She wore a plain dress, without any patterns or decorations on it.

The green bananas will ripen and turn yellow if you leave them on the counter.

During the event, each child received a token to exchange for a treat at the snack bar.

5-Letter Words that End in N for 2nd Grade (8-Year-Olds)





Sentences with 5-Letter Words that End in N for 2nd Grade (8-Year-Olds)

Spark your 8-year-old's curiosity with sentences featuring 5-letter words that end in "N"! These examples are perfectly pitched for second graders, making learning both fun and easy. Join us on this word adventure!

In the news, a bison was spotted wandering through a neighborhood after escaping from a nearby wildlife reserve.

Bison are herbivores, primarily grazing on grasses and sedges in their natural habitats.

The bison, also known as the American buffalo, roamed the Great Plains in large herds.

A bison is a large animal with shaggy fur that roams the plains of North America.

Bison are known for their powerful builds and can run very fast despite their size.

Recently, a national park announced the birth of a baby bison, exciting wildlife enthusiasts.

After carrying heavy bags all day, my little brother would groan as he finally sat down to rest.

When the teacher announced a surprise test, the students let out a groan of disappointment.

The old wooden floorboards would groan under the weight of anyone walking across them.

The raven is a clever bird known for its dark feathers and distinctive call.

In the news, a raven was spotted perched on a famous statue in the city square.

Children enjoy reading stories about the mysterious adventures of a friendly raven named Midnight.

The smell of pancakes cooking in the kitchen is sure to waken my little brother.

Every morning, the chirping birds waken me up with their cheerful songs.

I try to waken early on weekends to make the most of my day off.

5-Letter Words that End in N for 3rd Grade (9-Year-Olds)











Sentences with 5-Letter Words that End in N for 3rd Grade (9-Year-Olds)

Help your 9-year-old grow their vocabulary with sentences featuring 5-letter words that end in "N". These examples are created just right for third graders, making learning new words exciting and easy. Check them out below!

My parents had a stern talk with me about the importance of doing my homework.

The union of the thirteen colonies formed the United States of America in 1776.

My grandma loves to tell stories about her adventures in the olden times.

During the funeral, everyone took a moment to mourn and remember the person who had passed away.

The ancient Romans built impressive structures like the Colosseum and aqueducts.

The king's reign lasted for 40 years, ruling over the kingdom with wisdom and strength.

In an urban environment, there are more cars, buses, and people than in a rural area.

The news reported on a salon event where artists showcased their latest paintings and sculptures.

I consider my bedroom a haven because I feel safe and relaxed there.

Understanding the canon of journalism helps young reporters uphold the standards of the profession.

5-Letter Words that End in N for 4th Grade (10-Year-Olds)








Sentences with 5-Letter Words that End in N for 4th Grade (10-Year-Olds)

Explore the world of words with your 10-year-old! We're showcasing sentences that feature 5-letter words ending in "N". These examples are perfect for fourth graders, making learning both fun and educational. Check them out below!

When you wash your hands, you rinse them off in the basin of the sink.

Did you know a heron can have a wingspan of nearly six feet?

My neighbor, who is a mason, created a beautiful fireplace in their living room.

The curtains in the theater were made of luxurious satin material that shimmered under the stage lights.

Despite his scorn for vegetables, the child reluctantly took a small bite of broccoli.

The polished marble floor had a glossy sheen that reflected the sunlight.

The artist sculpted a beautiful figure from waxen material, creating a lifelike representation.

5-Letter Words that End in N for 5th Grade (11-Year-Olds)






Sentences with 5-Letter Words that End in N for 5th Grade (11-Year-Olds)

Help your 11-year-old expand their vocabulary and reading skills! We've put together sentences featuring 5-letter words that end in "N". These examples are perfect for fifth graders, blending learning with fun. Start exploring now!

She loved to adorn her hair with colorful ribbons and sparkly clips.

The princess would adorn her gown with intricate embroidery and shimmering jewels.

During the festival, people would adorn the streets with vibrant banners and festive decorations.

A baron is a title of nobility; it is lower than a duke but higher than a knight.

In the Medieval times, a baron would rule over a large area of land.

In our history book, we learned about a baron who was a brave warrior and good leader.

She spurned his offer to help with the project, preferring to work alone.

Despite his apologies, she continued to spurn his attempts to reconcile their friendship.

The cat seemed to spurn the new food, turning its nose up at the bowl.

The word "titan" can also refer to something of great size, strength, or influence.

"The Mississippi River" is a novel by Twain that explores life in the American South.

Mark Twain, the famous author, wrote books like "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn."

Twain's real name was Samuel Clemens, but he is best known by his pen name.

5-Letter Words that End in N for 6th Grade (12-Year-Olds)



Sentences with 5-Letter Words that End in N for 6th Grade (12-Year-Olds)

Expand your 12-year-old's vocabulary with our collection of sentences featuring 5-letter words that end in "N". Each example is crafted to challenge and engage sixth graders, making learning a seamless part of their day. Discover them below!

The once vibrant flowers now appeared ashen after days without water.

Her face turned ashen when she heard the news of the accident.

The sky darkened, and the clouds took on an ashen hue before the storm hit.

The sight of the adorable puppy made her swoon with delight.

The romantic movie's ending was so touching that it made many viewers swoon with emotion.

After the prince kissed her hand, the princess began to swoon with admiration.

5-Letter Words that End in N for 7th Grade (13-Year-Olds)



Sentences with 5-Letter Words that End in N for 7th Grade (13-Year-Olds)

Explore the charm of 5-letter words ending in "N" with our specially crafted sentences for 13-year-olds! These examples are perfect for seventh graders, helping them enrich their vocabulary in a fun and engaging way. Let's get started on this linguistic adventure.

Don't feign interest in your friend's hobbies just to look cool.

Instead of admitting his mistake, he chose to feign ignorance.

When she didn't want to go to school, she would feign illness, pretending to be too sick to leave her bed.

Pagan beliefs often involve nature worship and rituals honoring the Earth and its elements.

Some modern celebrations, like Halloween, have roots in ancient pagan traditions.

The archaeological site uncovered ancient pagan artifacts used in religious ceremonies.

5-Letter Words that End in N for 8th Grade (14-Year-Olds)



Sentences with 5-Letter Words that End in N for 8th Grade (14-Year-Olds)

Encourage your 14-year-old to expand their vocabulary with our collection of sentences using 5-letter words that end in "N". Tailored for eighth graders, these examples are both challenging and enlightening. Discover the power of words and enhance your language skills with us!

During Oktoberfest, many people raise their steins to toast and celebrate.

He displayed his collection of unique beer steins on the shelf.

The traditional German stein is often made of ceramic or glass.

Scientists use xenon in various experiments because it is a stable, inert gas that doesn't react with most substances.

Xenon is a noble gas that is used in powerful lamps and car headlights because of its bright light.

Xenon is known for producing a beautiful blue glow when used in certain types of lights.

Scientists discovered that xenon can be used in medical imaging to help visualize the lungs.

In science class, we learned about the properties and uses of xenon.

Xenon is a noble gas that is used in powerful lamps and flash units for photography.

In medicine, xenon has been explored as an anesthetic due to its ability to be inhaled and its minimal side effects.

Because xenon is rare in the Earth's atmosphere, it is considered a precious resource for various scientific applications.

Xenon is a noble gas that is used in bright headlights of some cars.

5-Letter Common Words that End in N


Sentences with Common Words that End in "N"

Dive into the world of words with our collection of sentences featuring common words that end in "N"! This selection is crafted to enhance your understanding and usage of these words in everyday language. Join us in exploring these sentences and enrich your vocabulary today.

When electric current passes through xenon gas, it produces a bright, white light, making it perfect for projectors.

Scientists use xenon in their experiments because it doesn't react easily with other elements.

5-Letter Animal Words that End in N







Sentences with Animals that End in "N"

Discover the fascinating world of animals with our collection of sentences featuring creatures that end in "N"! This engaging exploration is perfect for animal lovers and curious minds eager to expand their vocabulary and knowledge. Join us on this wild adventure!

Bison are one of the largest animals in North America and can weigh over a ton.

A herd of bison was spotted roaming freely in the national park last weekend.

Scientists say bison play a crucial role in maintaining healthy grasslands.

The heron stood still by the water's edge, waiting patiently to catch a fish.

A heron can often be spotted flying gracefully over rivers and lakes, searching for a place to land and fish.

With its long legs and neck, the heron waded through the shallow pond looking for its next meal.

When a baby animal is lost, a kind human can help it find its way home.

A human is like you and me, we can walk, talk, and play.

In the zoo, the human feeds the animals and takes care of them.

When dining out, I often choose prawn dishes for their flavorful taste and tender texture.

Prawns are crustaceans that are closely related to shrimp and have a similar appearance.

The chef prepared a delicious seafood dish with succulent prawns as the main ingredient.

The news reported that a rare albino robin was spotted in the park, exciting bird watchers in the area.

Did you know that the robin is a sign of spring because it's one of the first birds to return from the winter migration?

A robin built its nest in the tree outside my window, and now I can watch the baby birds.

With a thick coat of fur and distinctive horns, the takin is well-adapted to its mountainous habitat.

Despite their robust build, takins are skilled climbers and can navigate steep terrain with ease.

The takin, a large mammal native to the eastern Himalayas, is known for its unique appearance.

5-Letter Math Words that End in N


Sentences with Math Words that End in "N"

Explore the intriguing world of math with sentences featuring words that end in "N". This selection is perfect for anyone keen on enhancing their math vocabulary in an engaging and understandable way. Join us as we delve into these examples!

When we count by dozens, it helps us group things like pencils or cookies into sets of twelve.

In the news, they mentioned a baker donated a dozen cakes to the local food drive.

5-Letter History Words that End in N





Sentences with History Words that End in "N"

Step back in time and enhance your vocabulary with our collection of sentences featuring history words that end in "N". These carefully crafted examples will transport you through various eras, making historical terms more relatable and understandable. Perfect for history buffs and curious minds alike!

Our library is a quiet haven where I can read books peacefully.

During the Revolutionary War, many cities became havens for soldiers seeking shelter and safety.

Refugees often seek havens where they can live in peace and rebuild their lives.

Animals find a haven in the thick forest where they can hide from predators.

A local library serves as a haven for children who love to read and learn about the world.

I consider my bedroom a haven because I feel safe and relaxed there.

The news reported on a salon event where artists showcased their latest paintings and sculptures.

In history, a salon was a place where people gathered to discuss ideas and art in the 18th century.

At a salon, intellectuals, writers, and artists would engage in lively conversations and debates.

The European Union is an alliance of countries working together for economic and political cooperation.

The formation of the European Union brought together many countries to work closely on economic and political issues.

During the Civil War, the Union referred to the states that stayed loyal to the United States government.

Workers went on strike to demand better pay and benefits from the labor union.

In news today, workers might join a union to negotiate better pay and working conditions with their employers.

The union of the thirteen colonies formed the United States of America in 1776.

My family likes to visit the urban areas to explore the tall buildings and busy streets.

Many ancient civilizations built impressive urban centers, like Rome, which were hubs of culture and trade.

Cities are often considered urban areas because they have a higher population density and more commercial activity.

In an urban environment, there are more cars, buses, and people than in a rural area.

The news reported that urban gardens are becoming more popular in cities to help bring communities together.

In history, we learn that urban areas are cities where lots of people live and work together.

5-Letter Nouns that End in N


Sentences with Nouns that End in "N"

Discover the rhythm of language with our collection of sentences featuring nouns that end in "N". This special selection is crafted to highlight the beauty and structure of English, making it a fantastic resource for anyone eager to enhance their linguistic skills. Let's explore these nouns together!

Scientists use xenon in experiments because it's inert and doesn't react with other elements easily.

In medicine, xenon gas is sometimes used as an anesthetic because it is non-toxic and has minimal side effects.

Xenon is a noble gas that is used in powerful lamps and flash units for photography.

Engaging Activities for 5-Letter Words Ending in N for Kids

Rhyming Words

Challenge kids to find words that rhyme with "apron", "brown", and "chain". This activity enhances phonemic awareness and creativity. Encourage them to create silly rhymes for a fun learning experience!

Auditory Word Association

Engage children in a word association game using words like "again", "begin", and "clean". Have them associate each word with a sound or an action, fostering auditory recognition and vocabulary expansion. This activity is both educational and entertaining!

Story Creation

Encourage young learners to craft stories incorporating words such as "alien", "crown", and "ocean". This activity stimulates imagination and narrative skills. You can further enhance their storytelling by acting out the tales together!

Alphabetical Order Sorting

Guide kids in arranging words like "adorn", "brain", and "green" in alphabetical order. This exercise reinforces alphabet familiarity and organizational skills. Make it interactive by timing them or turning it into a race!

Adjective Hunt

Embark on an adjective hunt with kids using words like "ashen", "plain", and "satin". Encourage them to describe objects around them using these adjectives. This activity boosts vocabulary enrichment and descriptive language skills.


Scott Sosso is a serial entrepreneur recognized as one of the top in his industry from a young age. Before the age of 30, he used his entrepreneurial skills to grow a real estate startup to a billion in sales in just three years. Later, he took that entrepreneurial spirit to the healthcare industry, and through various senior leadership roles, he was a key team member who led a healthcare company to 6X gross revenues. While none of these journeys were easy, the process of scaling businesses and navigating complex market dynamics has been a testament to Scott's resilience and business acumen.

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