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5-Letter Words That Start with C for Kids - List of Essential Vocabulary Words

Written by
Scott Sosso

Complete List of "C" Starting 5-Letter Words to Boost Kids' Spelling & Vocabulary

Our age-specific word lists are derived from a study on the learning age of over 30,000 English words, ensuring educational relevance. We vet words for kid-friendliness using advanced tools and prioritize vocabulary based on usage frequency, informed by extensive research, to benefit children's learning.

LUCA's list of 5-letter words that start with "C" is here to assist your child in expanding their language skills. This carefully curated selection aims to support parents and educators by offering additional language exercises for children. Whether your kid is just beginning prekindergarten or advancing through grade 9, these words are tailored for vocabulary practice across a wide spectrum. With child-friendly examples like "candy" and "clown", we introduce terms that can enhance both reading comprehension and spelling abilities. Strengthen your child’s vocabulary with words starting with "C" and watch their language proficiency grow in reading and writing. So, let's jumpstart your child's vocabulary improvement with these 5-letter words that start with "C" today!

5-Letter Words that Start with Letter


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5-Letter Words that Start with C for Pre-K 3 (3-Year-Olds)








Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with C for Pre-K 3 (3-Year-Olds)

Introduce your 3-year-old to the vibrant world of words with our playful selection! We're showcasing sentences with 5-letter words that start with "C". Start the fun journey into reading and recognizing words right here!

You sit on your chair when we have story time.

Let’s clean our hands before we start painting.

The cloud looks like a big white cotton ball, doesn't it?

The clown had a big, red nose that honked when he squeezed it.

Please don't jump on the couch, it's made for sitting.

Let's count the colorful blocks together: one, two, three!"

The turtle is slow and likes to crawl on the ground.

5-Letter Words that Start with C for Pre-K 4 (4-Year-Olds)










Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with C for Pre-K 4 (4-Year-Olds)

Make learning fun for your 4-year-old with sentences featuring 5-letter words that start with "C"! These examples are perfect for Pre-K 4 children, blending simplicity and fun to introduce new words. Let's get started!

The children happily received candy during the Halloween party.

When we play a game of catch, I throw the ball and you try to catch it in your hands.

Chalk is a soft, powdery substance that can be used for writing or drawing on surfaces like chalkboards.

In dance class, we spin and jump just like ballet dancers do.

The clock has two hands, the hour hand and the minute hand.

Before we start reading our book, let's close the toy box.

Red, yellow, and blue are primary colors that can be mixed to create new colors.

When you have a cough, it means your throat tickles and you make a sound like "ahem."

In a game of tic-tac-toe, you can use a cross or a circle to mark your spot.

5-Letter Words that Start with C for Pre-K (5-Year-Olds)





















Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with C for Pre-K (5-Year-Olds)

Get your 5-year-old excited about words with our fun activity! We're looking at sentences with 5-letter words that start with "C". These examples are perfect for little learners, making reading and learning a joyful adventure. Ready to discover together?

When we go to the grocery store, we carry a basket to hold all our food.

When you share your toys, it causes your friend to be happy.

Cider is a yummy drink made from squeezing apples and cooking the juice."

When you grow up, you won't be a child anymore. You'll be an adult.

Trying to cheat by peeking at your friend's puzzle is not fair play.

Dad likes to check the mailbox every afternoon for letters.

The crowd clapped and cheered as the team scored a goal.

You can feel your cheek with your little hand.

Playing chess is a fun game that helps you think and plan your moves carefully.

The pirate captain found a mysterious chest buried on the deserted island.

During the chase scene in the movie, the hero ran after the villain to save the day.

I love to climb on the monkey bars at the playground.

When I looked up at the sky today, it was clear with no clouds.

Mommy washed our clothes and cloths today.

Look, I've created a chain with these colorful paper loops.

The blanket was big enough to cover the entire bed and keep me warm at night.

The pizza crust is the crunchy edge that holds all the yummy toppings together.

At the fair, children enjoyed making colorful craft projects with paper and glue.

The word "crazy" can sometimes be used to describe something that is very silly or funny.

Mom bought a tub of chocolate cream to make delicious desserts for the family.

The animals in the forest rely on the creek for drinking water and cooling off on hot days.

The ant carried the "crumb" back to its anthill to share with its fellow ants.

5-Letter Words that Start with C for Kindergarten (6-Year-Olds)


















Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with C for Kindergarten (6-Year-Olds)

Let's make learning fun for your 6-year-old! We're exploring sentences with 5-letter words that start with "C". These examples are perfect for kindergarteners, making new words easy and enjoyable to learn. Check them out below!

The clerk at the grocery store helped us find the apples.

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During Halloween, I saw a magician wearing a black cloak.

The artist used a sharp tool to carve a beautiful sculpture out of wood.

In the news, a crane was used to lift heavy materials at the construction site.

After the crash, the firefighters quickly arrived to help the people involved in the accident.

In the cooking competition, the contestants used different types of chili to create unique dishes.

The family paddled together in a canoe on the calm lake during their vacation.

After playing outside in the snow, the children went inside to warm up and shake off the chill.

Be careful not to step on a crack on the sidewalk.

During the protest, the crowd started to chant slogans calling for change in their community.

A cabin is a small house, usually in the countryside.

In the news, the children's book author will chuck signed copies of her latest book into the crowd.

The children in the choir practiced their songs every week to prepare for the performance.

When you feel like you can't breathe, it might mean something is stuck and you're choking."

Seagulls often fly along the coast, looking for tasty fish to eat.

The soccer coach taught the players how to kick the ball accurately.

5-Letter Words that Start with C for 1st Grade (7-Year-Olds)



















Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with C for 1st Grade (7-Year-Olds)

Help your 7-year-old grow their vocabulary with fun sentences featuring 5-letter words that start with "C". Perfect for first graders, these examples are easy to read and understand. Enjoy learning together!

The news reported that a clever crook had stolen valuable items from the museum.

When it's your birthday, you get to wear the special birthday crown.

Sometimes at school, the hallway can feel like a crowd when everyone is leaving their classrooms at the same time.

Police officers work hard to catch people who commit crimes.

The little monkey learned to cling to the tree branches to stay safe from predators.

The king's cruel punishment made the villagers fear him even more.

The chips were so crisp that they made a satisfying crunch when I ate them.

The hikers carefully climbed the steep cliff to reach the top and enjoy the breathtaking view.

We can use a chart to compare the sizes of different planets in our solar system.

My favorite part of the news is reading the comic because it makes me laugh and brightens my day.

Dad enjoys smoking a cigar on special occasions like his birthday.

The little girl felt excited when her crush smiled at her in the playground.

The ice cream truck sells delicious treats at a cheap price.

The rainbow had a beautiful curve in the sky after the rain stopped.

The villagers believed that the curse brought about the strange occurrences in their town.

At the park, the children took turns ringing the chime on the playground structure.

In a group of people or animals, the 'chief' is the leader, like the head teacher in our school.

In history class, we learned about the Panama Canal and how it changed global trade routes.

5-Letter Words that Start with C for 2nd Grade (8-Year-Olds)










Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with C for 2nd Grade (8-Year-Olds)

Help your 8-year-old grow their vocabulary with these sentences featuring 5-letter words that start with "C". Perfectly tailored for second graders, these examples make learning new words fun and easy. Let's get started!

The small town had its unique charm with all the colorful houses and friendly people.

The clash of thunder could be heard as the storm approached the town.

She used a shiny clasp to fasten her bracelet securely.

The hikers found a clump of colorful wildflowers growing by the stream.

When a comet gets closer to the sun, it heats up and releases gas and dust.

In the fairy tale, the king and queen held a grand feast in their court.

Eating bananas can help prevent cramps because they have potassium, which is good for your muscles.

The old wooden door started to creak as I opened it slowly.

The spider slowly began to creep along the wall, searching for its next meal.

5-Letter Words that Start with C for 3rd Grade (9-Year-Olds)















Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with C for 3rd Grade (9-Year-Olds)

Get your 9-year-old excited about expanding their vocabulary with our collection of sentences featuring 5-letter words that start with "C". These examples are perfectly suited to third graders, making learning new words fun and easy. Let's get started on this vocabulary adventure!

When a new student joins a class, they are often referred to as a "comer" by their classmates.

The forest ranger pointed out the tall cedar trees during the nature hike.

After the bell rang, the noisy chatter in the hallway ceased suddenly.

I often crave playing outside with my friends after finishing my homework.

In the news, the athlete shared his creed of hard work and perseverance for success.

During recess, the craze was trading colorful rubber bands that could be shaped into animals.

The cable company is installing new wires in our neighborhood for faster internet.

Sometimes, when people get in a car accident, they have to make a claim to their insurance company to pay for the damages.

Journalists follow a canon of ethics to ensure fairness and accuracy in reporting.

The captain ensured that the cargo was securely fastened before the ship set sail.

At the tea party, the girls enjoyed the delightful "clink" of their tea cups touching.

The knight's sword made a sharp clang as it struck against the enemy's shield in battle.

Scientists are studying how climate change affects coral reefs and the animals that rely on them.

A chord is a line segment that connects two points on a circle's circumference.

5-Letter Words that Start with C for 4th Grade (10-Year-Olds)









Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with C for 4th Grade (10-Year-Olds)

Get your 10-year-old excited about expanding their vocabulary! We're focusing on sentences that showcase 5-letter words starting with "C". These examples are perfectly suited for fourth graders, making learning new words both fun and educational. Let's jump in and discover together!

The farmer separated the wheat from the chaff by using a special tool.

The busy airport was filled with chaos as flights were delayed and passengers rushed to their gates.

A chock is a simple but essential tool for securing objects in place.

During their history class, the students learned about the American Civil War.

A clove is a small, aromatic bud that is commonly used in cooking and baking.

The chef skillfully folded the crape to create a delicious dessert for the guests.

During the ceremony, the knight proudly displayed his family crest on his shield.

People use passwords and keys to access their crypt and manage their cryptocurrency.

5-Letter Words that Start with C for 5th Grade (11-Year-Olds)






Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with C for 5th Grade (11-Year-Olds)

Get your 11-year-old excited about expanding their vocabulary with our collection of sentences featuring 5-letter words that start with "C". These examples are crafted to challenge and engage fifth graders, making learning new words an adventure. Discover them below!

The waiter handed over the carte, showcasing a variety of delectable treats to choose from.

Can I see the dessert carte?" asked Sarah eagerly at the fancy restaurant.

After studying the carte carefully, Sarah decided on the chocolate lava cake for her sweet ending.

The tag on the back of my shirt chafed against my neck, making it uncomfortable to wear.

Wearing shoes that chafe can cause blisters on your feet during a long walk.

Rubbing the rope against the rough surface caused it to chafe and weaken over time.

Learning about civic duties helps us understand the importance of voting and being informed citizens.

Civic responsibility means taking care of our community by recycling and volunteering.

The mayor encouraged young students to participate in civic activities like neighborhood clean-ups.

The cleft in the tree trunk provided a cozy shelter for the squirrel during the rainstorm.

When a rock cleft appeared in the mountain, we could see a glimpse of the cave hidden within.

After the earthquake, a cleft formed in the ground, revealing layers of soil beneath.

The medical corps provides essential healthcare services in times of crisis.

The marine corps is a branch of the military that specializes in amphibious warfare.

Volunteers from the peace corps travel abroad to help communities in need.

5-Letter Words that Start with C for 6th Grade (12-Year-Olds)


Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with C for 6th Grade (12-Year-Olds)

Encourage your 12-year-old to expand their vocabulary with our collection of sentences featuring 5-letter words that start with "C". Perfectly tailored for sixth graders, these examples make learning new words exciting and relevant. Enjoy discovering together!

It's not polite to chide others for making mistakes; instead, offer help and support."

The teacher had to chide the students for talking during the exam."

Mom will chide us if we forget to clean up our room before she gets home."

5-Letter Words that Start with C for 7th Grade (13-Year-Olds)



Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with C for 7th Grade (13-Year-Olds)

Get ready to expand your 13-year-old's vocabulary with our collection of sentences featuring 5-letter words that start with "C". Perfectly crafted for seventh graders, these examples blend learning with creativity. Join us in exploring these words and their usage!

The caste system consisted of four main categories, commonly known as Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra.

Historical societies often had a kind of caste system, where your social status was determined by birth.

In India, people were traditionally divided into different groups known as castes.

If you become too much of a cynic, you might miss out on things that are genuinely good.

The cynic in him didn't believe the politician's promises would ever come true.

5-Letter Words that Start with C for 8th Grade (14-Year-Olds)


Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with C for 8th Grade (14-Year-Olds)

Expand your 14-year-old's vocabulary with our engaging collection of sentences featuring 5-letter words that start with "C". Tailored for eighth graders, these examples blend complexity with curiosity, nurturing a deeper love for words. Let's delve into these carefully chosen sentences!

In the novel, the protagonist must cross a chasm to reach the hidden treasure.

The mountaineer was careful not to slip into the deep chasm.

The chasm between the rich and the poor in society is growing wider.

5-Letter Animal Words that Start with C





Sentences with Animals that Start with "C"

Explore the animal kingdom through sentences featuring animals that start with "C"! This collection is a delightful way to enhance your vocabulary while learning about some fascinating creatures. Perfect for animal lovers and curious minds alike. Let's start the journey with these captivating animals!

The camel has a hump on its back that stores fat for long journeys in the desert.

Camels can go for days without water because they are well-adapted to arid environments.

A camel's thick fur protects it from the hot desert sun and keeps it warm during cold nights.

The coati, a member of the raccoon family, is known for its long, ringed tail and curious nature.

Coatis use their sharp claws to forage for insects, fruits, and small animals in the forests of South America.

Coral reefs are vibrant underwater ecosystems that provide homes for many sea creatures.

Did you know that some types of coral can live for hundreds of years, forming beautiful underwater structures?

Scientists are studying how climate change affects coral reefs and the animals that rely on them.

In the news, a crane was used to lift heavy materials at the construction site.

The crane is a tall bird with long legs that lives near water.

Cranes are known for their graceful movements and distinctive calls.

5-Letter Math Words that Start with C






Sentences with Math Words that Start with "C"

Explore the intriguing world of math with our collection of sentences featuring math words that start with "C". These examples are crafted to enhance understanding and spark curiosity. Perfect for anyone keen on deepening their mathematical language. Let's jump into the exploration!

If you have 50 cents and buy a snack for 35 cents, you will have 15 cents left.

Understanding decimals is crucial in math, especially when dealing with fractions of a dollar like cents.

In the news, the price of a cup of coffee increased by ten cents due to rising production costs.

When drawing a circle, a chord can be drawn by connecting any two points on the circle.

A chord is a line segment that connects two points on a circle's circumference.

In geometry, understanding the length of a chord helps us calculate the circle's properties.

CPCTC stands for "Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent."

When proving congruent triangles using CPCTC, we show that corresponding parts are congruent.

In geometry, CPCTC helps us establish equality between corresponding angles and sides in congruent triangles.

In math, we learned how to draw a curve on the graph to show the relationship between two variables.

The rainbow had a beautiful curve in the sky after the rain stopped.

The road had a sharp curve ahead, so the driver slowed down to navigate it safely.

5-Letter History Words that Start with C





Sentences with History Words that Start with "C"

Step back in time and explore history through words that start with "C"! Our collection of sentences brings historical terms to life, offering a glimpse into the past in a way that's both educational and fascinating. Perfect for history buffs and curious minds alike. Let's journey through history together.

The news reported that a new canal project will connect two major rivers for easier transportation.

Canals were built long ago to help boats travel through different parts of the country.

In history class, we learned about the Panama Canal and how it changed global trade routes.

The caste system in ancient India divided society into rigid social groups with specific duties and privileges.

In modern news, efforts to eliminate caste discrimination have led to significant legal and social changes.

A recent news report highlighted how the caste system still influences social dynamics in certain communities around the world.

Cloning is a scientific process where an exact copy of an organism is created.

In history, the first successful clone of a mammal was Dolly the sheep in 1996.

News outlets reported on the cloning of endangered species to help preserve biodiversity.

A codex typically consisted of folded pages bound together, a departure from the scroll format.

Scholars study the Mayan codices to understand the civilization's writing system and historical events.

The codex, an early form of a book, revolutionized how information was stored and shared in ancient times.

Fun Activities to Explore 5-Letter Words Starting with "C" for Kids

Adjective Hunt

Challenge kids to find descriptive words among the "C" words like "cruel", "colorful", and "chilly". This activity enhances vocabulary and encourages creativity in describing objects or characters. Make it a race or a scavenger hunt for added excitement!

Action Verbs Adventure

Engage children in action verbs starting with "C" such as "climb", "crawl", and "chase". Encourage them to act out the verbs or create sentences using these words. This dynamic activity promotes physical movement and verb comprehension in a playful manner.

Acrostic Poems

Encourage young poets to craft acrostic poems using words like "chain", "chart", and "cheek". Each line of the poem should start with a letter from the chosen word, fostering creativity and poetic expression. This activity nurtures language skills and imagination.

Story Creation

Inspire kids to weave imaginative stories using words like "castle", "comet", and "crown". Encourage them to incorporate as many "C" words as possible into their narratives. This storytelling exercise stimulates creativity, language proficiency, and narrative development.

Word and Picture Matching

Create a matching game where kids pair "C" words like "candy", "chess", and "cloak" with corresponding pictures. This activity reinforces word-picture association, improves visual recognition, and enhances vocabulary retention. For added engagement, consider turning it into a timed challenge or a memory game.


Scott Sosso is a serial entrepreneur recognized as one of the top in his industry from a young age. Before the age of 30, he used his entrepreneurial skills to grow a real estate startup to a billion in sales in just three years. Later, he took that entrepreneurial spirit to the healthcare industry, and through various senior leadership roles, he was a key team member who led a healthcare company to 6X gross revenues. While none of these journeys were easy, the process of scaling businesses and navigating complex market dynamics has been a testament to Scott's resilience and business acumen.

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