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5-Letter Words That Start with T for Kids - List of Essential Vocabulary Words

Written by
Scott Sosso

Complete List of 5-Letter Words Starting with "T" to Boost Children's Vocabulary & Reading Skills

Our age-specific word lists are derived from a study on the learning age of over 30,000 English words, ensuring educational relevance. We vet words for kid-friendliness using advanced tools and prioritize vocabulary based on usage frequency, informed by extensive research, to benefit children's learning.

LUCA's collection of 5-letter words that start with "T" is a fantastic tool for enriching your child's vocabulary. Created to assist parents and teachers in giving kids a leg up in language learning, this resource is full to the brim with words tailored to different learning levels, from the little ones in prekindergarten to the older students in grade 9. Discover child-friendly terms such as "table," "tiger," and "track," perfect for enhancing their reading and spelling abilities. These words not only build a broad vocabulary but also improve pronunciation skills as children learn to articulate new and interesting words. By focusing on 5-letter words that start with "T," you're setting the stage for better reading comprehension and more confident writing. So, why not take a step forward in aiding your child's language development by exploring this carefully curated list of words today?

5-Letter Words that Start with Letter


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5-Letter Words that Start with T for Pre-K 3 (3-Year-Olds)






Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with T for Pre-K 3 (3-Year-Olds)

Get your 3-year-old excited about words with our fun examples! We're looking at 5-letter words that start with "T". Perfect for little learners, these sentences are simple and fun. Join the adventure below!

We "thank" our teachers when they help us learn new things.

Say "thank you" when someone shares their toys with you.

After dinner, remember to say "thank you" to mommy and daddy.

We can count to three using our fingers: one, two, three.

You are three years old now, and you're growing bigger every day!

Three little birds are singing in the tree.

When your tooth falls out, the tooth fairy will visit and leave a special gift!

Let's have a picnic and sit on the towel in the park.

Use a towel to dry your hands after washing them.

We wrap ourselves in a big, warm towel after taking a bath.

We can pretend to be construction workers and drive toy trucks.

Look! A garbage truck is picking up the trash.

The big red truck carries lots of toys.

5-Letter Words that Start with T for Pre-K 4 (4-Year-Olds)

















Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with T for Pre-K 4 (4-Year-Olds)

Get your 4-year-old excited about words with our fun-filled sentences! We're looking at 5-letter words that start with "T". These examples are perfect for little learners, making reading and discovery a joy.

We put our toys on the table when we're done playing.

Can you taste the difference between a lemon and an orange?

Teachers teach students how to read, write, and count in school.

When you tell the truth, it shows that you are honest and trustworthy.

Tigers are big cats with orange fur and black stripes that help them hide in the jungle.

After playing all day, you may feel tired and need a nap.

It's important to throw trash in the garbage can, not on the floor.

The garbage truck picks up the trash from our house every Tuesday.

My thumb helps me hold onto my favorite toys tightly.

Let's play with our toy train and make it chug around the tracks.

Let's read the news together to learn about what happened today in our city."

Every morning, I have toast with jam for breakfast.

Mom gave me a yummy treat for being a good helper in the kitchen.

You are sitting in the third chair. Great job finding your spot!

I need a moment to think about which toy to play with.

Can you help me find my missing teddy bear? It's a special thing to me.

5-Letter Words that Start with T for Pre-K (5-Year-Olds)













Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with T for Pre-K (5-Year-Olds)

Get your 5-year-old excited about reading with sentences featuring 5-letter words that start with "T". These easy-to-understand examples are perfect for little learners in Pre-K. Enjoy the fun of discovering new words together!

The lid on the jar was too tight for the child to open on his own.

Those are colorful balloons floating in the air.

We went on a nature trail and collected leaves and rocks.

The superhero in the story was tough, always ready to protect the city from villains.

You can touch the soft fur of a bunny, but remember to be gentle.

Be careful when picking flowers, some plants have thorns that can prick your fingers.

Sarah's older brother likes to tease her about her favorite cartoon character.

The book has thick pages that are fun to turn.

Can you point to the bird over there, in the tree?

All the kids wore their favorite costumes for the Halloween party.

Sally counted up to the tenth block in her tower before it toppled over.

We brush our teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed.

5-Letter Words that Start with T for Kindergarten (6-Year-Olds)













Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with T for Kindergarten (6-Year-Olds)

Get your 6-year-old excited about words with our fun sentences featuring 5-letter words that start with "T"! These examples are perfect for kindergarteners, making learning new words an enjoyable adventure. Check them out below!

The cat likes to snuggle up against me and purr on my thigh.

These are my favorite toys to play with at recess.

The news story took a twist when new information was revealed about the missing puppy.

The total number of students in our class is 20.

We can track the weather by looking at the clouds and feeling the wind.

Use a pencil to trace the picture and color it in.

My sister showed me a magic trick where she made a coin disappear.

The princess lived in a tall tower, waiting to be rescued by the prince.

I traded my toy car for my friend's building blocks.

When we cross the street, we need to trust the traffic light.

We use our multiplication skills to solve math problems with times tables.

When you write a story, don't forget to give it a title.

5-Letter Words that Start with T for 1st Grade (7-Year-Olds)








Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with T for 1st Grade (7-Year-Olds)

Let your 7-year-old dive into the joy of reading with sentences featuring 5-letter words that start with "T". These examples are perfect for first graders, making learning new words fun and easy. Join us on this exciting word adventure!

Arriving late to class is considered tardy, so it's important to be on time every day.

The thief sneaked into the house and stole the shiny jewelry.

The big drum made a loud "thump" when the drummer hit it with a stick.

During the event, each child received a token to exchange for a treat at the snack bar.

Mom used the tongs to pick up the hot cookies from the baking tray.

In the news, the reporter discussed the latest developments on the topic of space exploration.

At the campfire, we roasted marshmallows using a long stick and a torch.

5-Letter Words that Start with T for 2nd Grade (8-Year-Olds)












Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with T for 2nd Grade (8-Year-Olds)

Excite your 8-year-old with the joy of learning new words! Today, we're looking at sentences that use 5-letter words starting with "T". These examples are just right for second graders, helping them grow their vocabulary in a fun way. Let's check them out!

When you taunt someone, you say or do things to try to make them feel bad.

The delicious smell of freshly baked cookies tempted me to sneak one before dinner.

During the birthday party, the decorations followed a theme of outer space and adventure.

If you see someone taking something that doesn't belong to them, you should report it as theft.

In the news, a troop of soldiers was deployed to assist in the humanitarian mission.

Long ago, people would gather in tribes for hunting and protection.

I tread carefully on the icy sidewalk to avoid slipping.

In the news, scientists discovered a new species of trout in a remote mountain stream.

My tutor helps me understand difficult homework assignments.

During recess, the friends made a truce and decided to play together.

Trees have trunks that provide support and carry water from the roots to the leaves.

5-Letter Words that Start with T for 3rd Grade (9-Year-Olds)






Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with T for 3rd Grade (9-Year-Olds)

Help your 9-year-old expand their vocabulary with this fun look at 5-letter words that start with "T". These sentences are perfectly suited for third graders, making learning new words exciting and easy to understand. Let's get started on this word adventure!

Adding a little bit of black paint can taint the color and change the whole look of the artwork.

The scandal taints the reputation of the politician, causing people to lose trust in them.

The pollution in the river taints the water, making it unsafe to drink.

In the sentence "She will sing at the concert," the word "will" indicates a future tense.

When we say "I played soccer yesterday," the word "played" shows past tense.

Understanding verb tenses helps us know when actions happen in a story or conversation.

Nina felt timid when she had to speak in front of the class.

The timid kitten hid under the bed when the doorbell rang.

Daniel, a timid boy, slowly built up his confidence by joining the school play.

In history class, we studied famous trials like the Scopes Monkey Trial.

The trial allowed us to learn about the legal process in a real courtroom.

A scientist conducts experiments to gather evidence for a trial.

The farmer used twine to tie up the tomato plants in the garden.

Sarah made a friendship bracelet using colorful twine she found in her craft box.

Dad asked for help wrapping the gift box with twine to give it a rustic look.

5-Letter Words that Start with T for 4th Grade (10-Year-Olds)






Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with T for 4th Grade (10-Year-Olds)

Spark your 10-year-old's interest in vocabulary with our collection of sentences featuring 5-letter words that start with "T". Designed to challenge and entertain fourth graders, these examples will enhance their language skills in a fun way. Let's get started!

The wizard's hat had a long, tapering shape that added to his mysterious appearance.

The river's width started to taper, narrowing as it flowed towards the waterfall.

The candle's flame began to taper as it burned down slowly.

The sound of the drums made the entire room throb with energy and excitement.

The pain in her finger made it throb with every beat of her heart.

After running for a long time, his legs began to throb from exhaustion.

The sky had a beautiful pink tinge as the sun began to set.

Her laughter had a hint of sadness, giving her voice a tinge of melancholy.

The fresh coat of paint gave the room a subtle blue tinge, brightening up the space.

Having a positive attitude is a great trait that can help you succeed in school and life.

A trait is a characteristic or quality that makes someone or something unique.

One common trait of mammals is that they usually give birth to live young.

The trend in technology is to make devices smaller and faster.

My sister loves to follow the fashion trend and wears trendy clothes.

Many kids are wearing striped shirts this year, it's the latest trend.

5-Letter Words that Start with T for 5th Grade (11-Year-Olds)









Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with T for 5th Grade (11-Year-Olds)

Help your 11-year-old expand their vocabulary with our collection of sentences featuring 5-letter words that start with "T". Perfectly suited for fifth graders, these examples are crafted to enhance their reading and writing skills in an enjoyable way. Explore the sentences below!

You should not tarry while doing your homework, finish it promptly.

The tawny color of the cat's fur made it almost invisible in the autumn leaves.

Scientists study the tidal patterns to understand the movement of ocean waters.

The word "titan" can also refer to something of great size, strength, or influence.

The villagers would tithe a portion of their crops to the church every harvest season.

Did you know that topaz is the birthstone for the month of November?

Many people tuned in to watch the debate between Trump and his opponent during the election.

"The Mississippi River" is a novel by Twain that explores life in the American South.

5-Letter Words that Start with T for 6th Grade (12-Year-Olds)



Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with T for 6th Grade (12-Year-Olds)

Encourage your 12-year-old to expand their vocabulary with this collection of sentences featuring 5-letter words that start with "T". Perfectly suited for sixth graders, these examples are designed to challenge and engage. Explore them together and enjoy the language adventure!

The group worked together silently, showing tacit agreement.

In the story, the character's disappointment was expressed through a tacit nod.

In the opera, the tenor played the role of the prince who swept the princess off her feet.

The choir director assigned the tenor section to sing the challenging high notes in the song.

The tenor singer had a beautiful, melodic voice that resonated through the concert hall.

5-Letter Words that Start with T for 7th Grade (13-Year-Olds)



Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with T for 7th Grade (13-Year-Olds)

Discover the power of 5-letter words starting with "T" through our carefully crafted example sentences! Tailored for 13-year-olds, this collection is aimed at enriching vocabulary for seventh graders in a way that's both educational and engaging. Enjoy expanding your linguistic horizons!

After sitting out for a while, the coffee became tepid and lost its refreshing taste.

The pool water felt tepid on that hot summer day.

The lukewarm bathwater gradually turned tepid as it cooled down.

The tea was tepid, neither too hot nor too cold, just the right temperature to enjoy.

The pool water felt tepid, not warm enough to swim comfortably.

The tea had become tepid after sitting on the counter for a while.

A housing tract is a group of houses built on the same land.

I read an interesting article about the respiratory tract in science class.

The digestive tract is responsible for breaking down food.

5-Letter Common Words that Start with T



Sentences with Common Words that Start with "T"

Discover the world of words that start with "T" through our captivating sentences! Each example is crafted to highlight common "T" words in their natural context, enriching your vocabulary in an engaging way. Perfect for readers eager to expand their linguistic horizons. Let's explore together!

When you write a story, don't forget to give it a title.

The title of the book is "The Adventures of Jack and Jill."

The teacher's name is written next to her title, "Mrs."

Topaz is a beautiful gemstone that comes in many colors, including blue, yellow, and pink.

Ancient Egyptians believed that wearing topaz could protect you from harm.

The birthstone for November is topaz, known for its stunning and varied hues.

5-Letter Animal Words that Start with T






Sentences with Animals that Start with "T"

Discover the fascinating animal kingdom with sentences featuring animals that start with "T". This unique collection is crafted to pique your curiosity and expand your knowledge on these incredible creatures. Let's explore these animal-themed sentences together!

The takin, a large mammal native to the eastern Himalayas, is known for its unique appearance.

Despite their robust build, takins are skilled climbers and can navigate steep terrain with ease.

With a thick coat of fur and distinctive horns, the takin is well-adapted to its mountainous habitat.

Tapirs play a vital role in their ecosystems by dispersing seeds through their droppings.

Tapirs are large, herbivorous mammals with unique snouts resembling a trunk.

The tetra fish is known for its vibrant colors and peaceful nature in aquariums.

Tetras are schooling fish, often seen swimming together in harmony in freshwater tanks.

Aquarists enjoy keeping tetras for their active behavior and compatibility with various tank mates.

The tiger's roar can be heard from far away, warning other animals of its presence.

Tigers are big cats with orange fur and black stripes that help them hide in the jungle.

In the news, a tiger was rescued from a trap and released back into the wild.

Fishing enthusiasts enjoy catching trout for sport and for their delicious taste.

Trout are freshwater fish known for their colorful scales and swift swimming abilities.

In the news, scientists discovered a new species of trout in a remote mountain stream.

5-Letter Math Words that Start with T




Sentences with Math Words that Start with "T"

Discover the intriguing universe of math words that start with "T" through our carefully crafted sentences! This journey is designed to enrich your vocabulary and deepen your understanding of mathematical terms. Ideal for curious minds eager to learn and connect with the language of math. Let's get started!

We put our toys on the table when we're done playing.

We can color and draw pictures on the table with paper.

We eat our lunch at the table, sitting on chairs.

The total number of students in our class is 20.

I have a total of 10 candies in my bag.

If you add 3 and 4 together, the total is 7.

The latest news report showed a trend where more people are choosing to bike to work.

In math, we learned how to spot a trend by looking at numbers that go up or down over time.

By analyzing the trend in temperatures each month, we can understand how the weather is changing.

5-Letter History Words that Start with T





Sentences with History Words that Start with "T"

Step back in time and explore important history words that start with "T" through our carefully crafted example sentences. This collection is a great way for learners of all ages to connect with the past and understand the significance of these terms. Join us on this historical journey!

A tithe helped support the church and its activities, and everyone in the village was expected to contribute.

During medieval times, a tithe was one-tenth of a person's earnings that they had to give to the church.

Learning about the tithe system helps us understand the economic and religious practices of historical societies.

Totems are special symbols or objects that represent a family or a group of people.

Each totem pole can have different animals or shapes that hold significant meanings for the tribe.

Native American tribes often have totems that tell stories of their ancestors and traditions.

I traded my toy car for my friend's building blocks.

We can trade stickers with our classmates during recess.

Let's play a game where we trade cards to collect different ones.

Native American tribes lived in different regions and had their own traditions.

The Maasai tribe in Africa is known for their colorful clothing and beautiful beadwork.

Long ago, people would gather in tribes for hunting and protection.

5-Letter Nouns that Start with T


Sentences with Nouns that Start with "T"

Discover the delightful world of nouns that start with "T" through our creatively crafted sentences! Each example is designed to highlight these unique words in context, making it a fun and educational read for anyone curious about language. Let's take a closer look and enjoy the journey!

A piece of topaz jewelry can add a beautiful and colorful touch to any outfit.

The gemstone topaz can be found in a variety of colors, from blue to yellow.

Ancient Egyptians believed that topaz could protect against harm and bring strength.

Exploring 5-Letter Words Starting with "T" for Kids

Adjective Hunt

Challenge kids to find and identify adjectives among the "T" words provided, such as "timid", "trendy", and "tough". This activity enhances vocabulary skills and encourages descriptive language use. You can extend the activity by asking them to use the adjectives in sentences!

Word Classification

Engage children in sorting the "T" words into different categories like animals, objects, and actions. Words like "titan", "tongue", and "tutor" can be grouped together based on their characteristics. This exercise promotes critical thinking and categorization skills.

Auditory Word Association

Create a fun auditory game where kids hear a word like "trend" and have to associate it with another word starting with "T" from the list, such as "tough". This activity sharpens listening skills and strengthens word recognition abilities in a playful way.

Word and Picture Matching

Pair each "T" word with a corresponding picture to help kids associate the word with its meaning visually. For example, match "tiger" with an image of a tiger or "toast" with a picture of toast. This visual aid activity reinforces word-picture associations and improves vocabulary retention.

Memory Game

Play a memory game with the "T" words by placing them face down and having kids turn over two cards at a time to find matching pairs like "titan". This activity boosts memory skills and word recognition while keeping children engaged and entertained.


Scott Sosso is a serial entrepreneur recognized as one of the top in his industry from a young age. Before the age of 30, he used his entrepreneurial skills to grow a real estate startup to a billion in sales in just three years. Later, he took that entrepreneurial spirit to the healthcare industry, and through various senior leadership roles, he was a key team member who led a healthcare company to 6X gross revenues. While none of these journeys were easy, the process of scaling businesses and navigating complex market dynamics has been a testament to Scott's resilience and business acumen.

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