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5-Letter Words That Start with H for Kids - List of Essential Vocabulary Words

Written by
Scott Sosso

A Thorough Collection of 5-Letter Words Starting with "H" to Boost Kids' Reading & Spelling Skills

Our age-specific word lists are derived from a study on the learning age of over 30,000 English words, ensuring educational relevance. We vet words for kid-friendliness using advanced tools and prioritize vocabulary based on usage frequency, informed by extensive research, to benefit children's learning.

LUCA's list of 5-letter words that start with "H" is designed to bolster your child's vocabulary in a fun and effective way. This comprehensive set of words is a fantastic tool for parents and educators to offer children the chance to enhance their language proficiency. Whether for young beginners or older students up to grade 9, you'll find words ranging from "happy" and "haste" to "honey" and "hover". This list is particularly crafted to help with reading and spelling proficiency, including words that are just right for children of varying abilities. By learning these 5-letter words that start with "H", your child can improve their reading comprehension and pronunciation. Get started with LUCA's vocabulary-building list of 5-letter "H" words today and support your child in developing a strong, lasting, and vibrant vocabulary!

5-Letter Words that Start with Letter


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5-Letter Words that Start with H for Pre-K 3 (3-Year-Olds)




Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with H for Pre-K 3 (3-Year-Olds)

Get your 3-year-old excited about words with this fun activity! We're exploring 5-letter words that start with "H". Check out these easy-to-understand sentences made just for little learners. Start the fun discovery now!

The sun shining brightly made the children feel happy during their picnic."

Today, the little girl felt happy when she played with her favorite toy."

Every morning we say 'hello' to the sun when it rises.

When we meet someone new, we say 'hello'.

I like to say 'hello' to all my stuffed animals when I wake up.

Our house is where we live and sleep.

The house has a big door and many windows.

We play with our toys in our house.

5-Letter Words that Start with H for Pre-K 4 (4-Year-Olds)





Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with H for Pre-K 4 (4-Year-Olds)

Let's make learning fun for your 4-year-old with some cool 5-letter words that start with "H"! We've crafted simple sentences to help little learners grasp these words easily. Check them out below and watch your preschooler's vocabulary grow!

After eating all my lunch, my tummy feels heavy.

The big pumpkin is too heavy for me to lift.

My doll likes to ride on her toy horse.

Can you gallop like a horse around the room?

At the farm, we saw a brown horse eating hay.

The little girl is a human, but the dog is an animal.

There are many humans in our family, like Grandma and Grandpa.

Mommy and Daddy are human, just like you.

When we play the racing game, we need to hurry to the finish line.

If we don't hurry to clean up our toys, we won't have time for story.

We have to hurry and put our shoes on so we don't miss the bus.

5-Letter Words that Start with H for Pre-K (5-Year-Olds)





Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with H for Pre-K (5-Year-Olds)

Get your 5-year-old excited about reading with our collection of sentences, each featuring a 5-letter word that starts with "H". These examples are perfect for Pre-K learners, making reading fun and educational at the same time. Let's start the adventure!

The hairy spider crawled slowly across the wall, looking for its next meal.

The big bear in the forest had a hairy body to keep him warm in winter.

The cute kitten had a hairy coat that was soft to touch.

When we play the coin toss game, it lands on heads or tails.

Remember to protect our heads when we are playing outside.

All the little ducklings have tiny heads.

The heart is the organ that pumps blood around our body.

Can you draw a heart shape on this paper?

When you're kind, you show a big heart.

Mom bought a jar of golden honey from the store to spread on our toast.

The bear found a beehive full of delicious honey hidden in the tree.

The bees collected sweet honey from the flowers to take back to their hive.

5-Letter Words that Start with H for Kindergarten (6-Year-Olds)


Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with H for Kindergarten (6-Year-Olds)

Get your 6-year-old excited about words with this playful introduction to 5-letter words that start with "H"! Our example sentences are simple, fun, and perfect for kindergarteners to enjoy and learn from. Let's jump into the joy of reading together!

A hotel is a big building where people can rent rooms to sleep in when they're away from home.

Grandma and Grandpa are visiting us, but they don't have to sleep in our house, they have a room in the hotel.

During our family vacation, we will stay in a hotel at night.

5-Letter Words that Start with H for 1st Grade (7-Year-Olds)








Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with H for 1st Grade (7-Year-Olds)

Get your 7-year-old excited about words with our fun sentences! We’re looking at 5-letter words that start with "H". These examples are perfect for first graders, making learning a joy. Let’s jump into the adventure below!

Johnny has a habit of reading a book before he goes to bed.

Having a flashlight is handy when it's dark outside.

The mother bird patiently waits for her eggs to hatch so she can feed her babies.

Ghosts are said to haunt old houses, making spooky noises in the night.

Samantha's hobby is painting beautiful pictures of flowers and animals in her art class.

I feel a lot of honor when my teacher praises my good work.

Humor is when something makes you laugh or smile because it's funny.

5-Letter Words that Start with H for 2nd Grade (8-Year-Olds)





Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with H for 2nd Grade (8-Year-Olds)

Make learning fun for your 8-year-old with sentences featuring 5-letter words that start with "H"! These examples are crafted especially for second graders, blending education with excitement. Check them out below!

Mr. Smith is trimming the hedge to keep it neat and tidy.

A hedge is a line of bushes or small trees planted close together to form a boundary or to decorate a garden.

The hedge in our backyard is full of small birds making nests.

Mom uses different herbs in her cooking to make food taste good.

Sage and rosemary are types of herbs that people use for cooking and for medicine.

Some herbs, like mint and basil, we can grow in our home garden.

Hummingbirds can hover near flowers while they drink nectar with their long beaks.

The helicopter can hover above the ground, allowing it to land in tight spaces.

The toy drone can hover in the air, making it fun to control and watch.

Plants thrive in humid environments where there is plenty of moisture in the air.

The air felt humid, making it sticky and uncomfortable to play outside.

During the rainy season, the jungle becomes even more humid, creating a perfect habitat for tropical animals.

5-Letter Words that Start with H for 3rd Grade (9-Year-Olds)






Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with H for 3rd Grade (9-Year-Olds)

Excite your 9-year-old with sentences that shine a light on 5-letter words starting with "H"! Perfect for third graders, these examples are crafted to enrich vocabulary in a fun and engaging way. Let's jump into the adventure of words together.

The hardy explorer braved the storm to reach the mountain peak.

The hardy plants in the garden survived the harsh winter with ease.

Despite the heavy rain, the hardy hikers continued their trek through the forest.

When she realized she was late for school, she made haste and rushed out the door.

In her haste to go to the park, Lily forgot to tie her shoes.

Jack did his homework in haste because he wanted to play outside.

Animals find a haven in the thick forest where they can hide from predators.

Our library is a quiet haven where I can read books peacefully.

I consider my bedroom a haven because I feel safe and relaxed there.

After a big push, Sam managed to heave the boulder off the path.

The pirate had to heave the heavy chest of gold onto the ship.

When Sarah tried to move the sofa, she had to heave it with all her strength.

Dad used a trailer hitch to connect the camper to the back of the car.

The cowboy tied his horse to a hitching post outside the saloon.

When we go camping, we always bring along a hitch to secure our tent to the ground.

5-Letter Words that Start with H for 4th Grade (10-Year-Olds)








Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with H for 4th Grade (10-Year-Olds)

Discover the fun in learning with our collection tailored for 10-year-olds! We're highlighting sentences that use 5-letter words starting with "H". Perfect for fourth graders, these examples are crafted to enrich vocabulary in an enjoyable way. Let's get started on this language adventure!

Your brother's words were too harsh, it's better to speak kindly.

Even if you're running late, don't be too hasty and forget your homework.

The prankster's antics in the classroom created havoc, disrupting the lesson for everyone.

Did you know a heron can have a wingspan of nearly six feet?

The dragon had a massive hoard of gold and jewels in its lair.

A horde of shoppers crowded the store during the holiday sale, eager to find the best deals.

I had to buy husky jeans because the regular size was too tight.

5-Letter Words that Start with H for 5th Grade (11-Year-Olds)



Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with H for 5th Grade (11-Year-Olds)

Get your 11-year-old ready for a fun challenge with sentences featuring 5-letter words that start with "H". Tailored for fifth graders, these examples are not only educational but also engaging. Explore them together and enhance their vocabulary today!

His math grades improved, hence his overall average increased.

I finished my homework early, hence I had extra time for video games.

It was raining, hence we decided to stay indoors for recess.

In the history book, we read about how sailors would hoist the sails on their ships.

When we raise the flag at school, we're hoisting it up the pole.

On construction sites, workers hoist heavy materials using cranes.

5-Letter Words that Start with H for 6th Grade (12-Year-Olds)


Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with H for 6th Grade (12-Year-Olds)

Help your 12-year-old expand their vocabulary with our collection of sentences featuring 5-letter words that start with "H". These examples are crafted to challenge and engage sixth graders, making learning new words exciting. Discover them below!

The scientist explained that the sound wave's pitch is directly related to its frequency, measured in hertz.

The sound you hear is a result of vibrations that occur at a specific number of hertz.

The frequency of a radio wave is measured in hertz, determining the station you tune into.

Hertz is the unit used to quantify the number of cycles per second in an electromagnetic wave.

The frequency of the radio station is measured in hertz, determining how often a wave completes a cycle per second.

5-Letter Words that Start with H for 9th Grade (15-Year-Olds)


Sentences with 5-Letter Words that Start with H for 9th Grade (15-Year-Olds)

Elevate your 15-year-old's vocabulary with our collection of sentences featuring 5-letter words that start with "H". Tailored for ninth graders, these examples are crafted to challenge and enrich their understanding of language. Enjoy this linguistic journey together!

The hoary old oak tree stood tall, its branches covered in a layer of frost.

With his hoary hair and weathered face, the old man was a living testament to a life lived by the sea.

The hoary myths of ancient times still fascinate historians today.

5-Letter Common Words that Start with H


Sentences with Common Words that Start with "H"

Explore the fascinating world of words that start with "H"! Our carefully crafted sentences are designed to showcase common words beginning with "H" in context. This collection is perfect for readers eager to expand their vocabulary and improve their understanding of language. Let's begin our exploration together!

Scientists measure the frequency of sound waves in units called hertz.

In the news, they mentioned that the new telecommunications tower will operate at several billion hertz to improve mobile phone service.

5-Letter Animal Words that Start with H







Sentences with Animals that Start with "H"

Dive into the animal kingdom with our collection of sentences featuring animals that start with "H"! This journey is designed to entertain and educate, giving you a peek into the fascinating world of "H" beginning animals. Let's start exploring these wonderful creatures together!

With its long legs, the heron waded through the shallow pond, searching for its next meal.

The heron stood still by the water's edge, waiting patiently for fish to swim by.

A heron can stretch its neck out quickly to catch fish, using its sharp beak like a spear.

Horgi is a cute mixed breed dog resulting from a Corgi and a Husky parent.

Due to their playful and friendly nature, horgis make great companions for families and individuals alike.

The horgi's appearance can vary, blending characteristics from both the Corgi and Husky breeds.

Some horses live on farms where they help carry heavy things.

Yesterday, a news story talked about a horse that won a big race!

A horse is a big animal that likes to run fast and eat grass.

A kind human helped the lost puppy find its way home.

In the news, a brave human saved a bird trapped in a net.

The human fed the hungry kittens in the park every day.

At the pet show, the Husky won the prize for the most beautiful eyes, captivating everyone with its striking blue gaze.

The local news featured a story about a Husky who saved its owner from a snowstorm by keeping him warm until help arrived.

A Siberian Husky is a breed of dog known for its thick fur and friendly nature, often used as sled dogs in cold climates.

In the news, a hyena was rescued by wildlife officials after getting trapped in a snare.

The hyena's distinctive laugh can be heard echoing through the African savanna at night.

Hyenas are strong carnivorous animals that live in groups called clans.

5-Letter Math Words that Start with H


Sentences with Math Words that Start with "H"

Explore the fascinating world of math with our collection of sentences featuring math words that start with "H"! These examples are crafted to help learners grasp complex ideas through the power of language. Ideal for students and enthusiasts eager to enhance their math vocabulary. Join us in this educational journey!

Calculating the total hours worked each week helps employees keep track of their schedules and pay.

The news anchor reported that the event would take place in a few hours, urging viewers to tune in.

In math, there are 24 hours in a day, divided into morning, afternoon, evening, and night.

5-Letter History Words that Start with H




Sentences with History Words that Start with "H"

Step back in time and enrich your vocabulary with our collection of sentences featuring history words that start with "H". These examples are crafted to bring historical concepts to life, making them ideal for history buffs and curious minds alike. Discover the past through words starting with "H"!

Writing a haiku about nature can capture the beauty of the changing seasons.

In school, we learned to write haikus to express our thoughts in a concise and creative way.

A haiku is a form of Japanese poetry with three lines and a 5-7-5 syllable structure.

Refugees often seek havens where they can live in peace and rebuild their lives.

During the Revolutionary War, many cities became havens for soldiers seeking shelter and safety.

A local library serves as a haven for children who love to read and learn about the world.

In ancient Sparta, helots were enslaved people who worked the land for the Spartan citizens.

The helots outnumbered the Spartan citizens significantly, leading to a constant fear of revolt among the ruling class.

Helots played a crucial role in supporting the Spartan economy through their labor.

5-Letter Nouns that Start with H


Sentences with Nouns that Start with "H"

Get ready to enhance your vocabulary with our collection of sentences! Each one features nouns that start with "H", crafted to provide context and understanding. Ideal for readers eager to expand their linguistic horizons. Let's explore these nouns together.

Scientists measure sound waves in units called hertz to understand how high or low a sound is.

Exploring 5-Letter Words Starting with "H" for Kids

Spelling Practice

Engage children in a spelling practice session with words like "habit", "happy", and "horse". Encourage them to spell the words out loud and write them down to enhance their spelling skills. To make it more interactive, you can create spelling challenges or games!

Word Classification

Challenge kids to classify "H" words into different categories like animals, objects, or feelings. Words such as "house", "honey", and "heart" can be sorted into these groups to improve cognitive abilities and vocabulary. Use colorful cards or drawings for a visually engaging experience.

Memory Game

Play a memory game with 5-letter words starting with "H" such as "hatch", "hover", and "heavy". Lay the words face down, and kids can take turns flipping them over to find matching pairs. This activity not only enhances memory skills but also reinforces word recognition.

Word and Picture Matching

Pair "H" words like "handy", "hedge", and "helot" with corresponding pictures. This activity helps children associate words with visual representations, improving their vocabulary and comprehension. You can create flashcards or use online resources for this matching game.

Action Verbs Adventure

Explore action verbs starting with "H" like "hurry", "hoist", and "hike". Encourage kids to act out these verbs or incorporate them into sentences to understand their meanings better. This interactive activity promotes physical movement and language development in a fun way!


Scott Sosso is a serial entrepreneur recognized as one of the top in his industry from a young age. Before the age of 30, he used his entrepreneurial skills to grow a real estate startup to a billion in sales in just three years. Later, he took that entrepreneurial spirit to the healthcare industry, and through various senior leadership roles, he was a key team member who led a healthcare company to 6X gross revenues. While none of these journeys were easy, the process of scaling businesses and navigating complex market dynamics has been a testament to Scott's resilience and business acumen.

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